Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gay Marriage

So everyone is talking about this gay marriage thing and I have just decided to give my two cents in on the matter. First let me say that I am tired of the talking points from the left on this issue. Not everyone who is against gay marriage is Jerry Falwell and a bigot who thinks all gays are going to go the hell. Yes I am against gay marraige but I do not hate nor dislike anyone who is gay. I do think gay couples deserve to have rights; but where exactly did this idea of marraige as a right come from? I'm sorry but I honestly have never heard of marriage being a right? I believe the rights that everyone is talking about are those that come from being married but not marriage itself. I personally have been thinking about the possible consequences of this gay marraige debate. First I am pissed off at California for doing this now! Couldn't they have waited until December when the election was over? My gawd I am scared that the republicans will pull another 2004 and convince the country that the "crazy liberals" are taking over the country and that is why you have to vote for John McCain. Oh for the love of Backstreet another 4 more years of Bush!!!!!!! Ok despite that, everyone talks about the divorce rate with straight couples. Has anyone ever thought of where that rate came from? Before the 60's and 70's when divorce became acceptable it was not as popular. If you think about it that was the first attack on marriage; with the acceptance of divorce "for better or worse, through sickness and health.....til death do us part" became nothing but filler words and they no longer have meaning. Now people like Britney Spears and Pam Anderson will just marry you for as long as they like you. Marriage has become a joke because a few decades ago the definition of it was changed; now we want to change it again! Just think about the possible consequences of doing this.
And on a last note, I still say that if the definition of marriage is being changed from a man and a woman to a man and a man.....then polygamist have every right to get married as well. They have the exact same argument and if you are going to change the definition for one group you have to do it for all groups.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bastards of Hollywood

1) Brad Pitt
2) Dean McDermott
3) Woody Allen
4) Kevin Federline
5) Ritchie Sambora
6) Tom Cruise
7) Billy Crudup

Skanks of Hollywood

1) Angelina Jolie
2) Tori Spelling
3) Denise Richards
4) Rebecca Loos
5) Camilla Parker Bowles
6) Soon-Yi

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm a little tired....

of these attacks on skinny girls that are happening a lot lately. First I can't stand when entertainment shows bash skinny models in one segment and then the very next segment they compliment some women, say Christina Aguilera, for loosing all her baby weight. Talk about hypocritical. I understand bringing up concerns about certain girls who are obviously in danger like Nicole Ritchie once was but I don't like how every women who is skinny is automatically assumed to be anorexic: Giselle, Kate Moss, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley...I went to Middle School and High School with a lot of girls who were naturally petite; no butt, no hips, no thighs, no breast. And I know that everyone who is skinny does not necessarily have a problem. There are women who were just born to be petite and will die petite. So lay off the naturally skinny chicks. Attacking a women's weight whether by saying she is too big or too small is dangerous. Weight is only part of the problem when someone has an eating disorder and there are also other mental and emotional factors. And someone who is already naturally skinny but has an emotional imbalence could be pushed over the edge because someone attacks their body.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Questions I want to ask the Jonas Brothers

1) Who wrote the song Inseparable
2) Who wrote the song You Just Don't Know It
3) Why are there three guitars and one bass guitar in your band?
4) Does it hurt your feelings when people doubt you are brothers?
5) Kevin and Joe who are you voting for in November?
6) Nick the next time someone asks you about Miley will you slap them for me?
7) Who plays the guitar solo in Inseparable?
8) What do you do if you drop your pick? Can you play without one?
9) Does playing the guitar make your fingers sore?
10) What is the difference between the Nick and Kevin's guitar?