Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thanks alot Florida

I swear if Florida continues to pull this crap, I'm going to start lobbying for the entire state to not be allowed to vote in any kind of national election until they learn how to do it properly. First they screwed theelection in 2000 now they are screwing up the Democrat election in 2008! How is it that everyone else can figure out how to push a button to cast a ballot but not the Floridians! As for counting Florida and Michigan, those delegates should not be counted. They knew the rules before this process began and both Clinton and Obama and everyone else agreed that those delegates would not be seated if they changed their primary dates. Hilary should stop complaining and stop trying to change the rules in the middle of the game. And the people in Florida and Michigan should stop complaining as well, you knew the rules and you agreed to them; it is unfair and childish to cry foul now.