I like most normal human beings hates the thought of something horrible happening to a child; and I still want to know what happened to Callie(sp) Anthony just as much as the next person. But why the he11 does Nancy Grace have to talk about that damn case every freakin day for over a month!?!?! It's getting extremely annoying, so annoying that I have had to stop watchin the woman. Yes it's sad what's going on but is she really the only missing child out there? Most of the time she just has the same crap on every show and/or people giving their opinions. It makes me almost not care about what is going on anymore; there is such a thing as over kill Mrs. Grace! Yes Casey liked, yes she keeps getting put in and out of jail, yes her mother is either in denial, an accomplice or an idiot, and probably something bad happened to Callie. But for the love of Gawd stop talking about it non-stop especially when nothing substantial is happening!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Conservative Bitch Slap
I once was a very big fan of Elizabeth Hasselbeck; I used to feel sorry that there were so many liberals against one conservative. Even when she said stupid crap which made all conservatives look back I still gave her a break. I was 100% on her side during the Rosie O'Donnel throw down and though she was totally in the right. But lately she has been getting on my last nerve. For some reason she all of a sudden thinks that she is the queen of the table simply because she made Bully Rosie run and hide. She has no more respect for anyone's opinion who does not agree with her and essentially she has turned into a real "b". She puts too much emotion in her arguments which should be able to stand on their own without her getting personal or turning into an immature whiner who has to revert to grade school antics to try to throw her opponent off. There was no reason for her to be so rude to Barbara Walter's yesterday; I don't even like Barbara and I love the days when she is not there. But Elizabeth looked like a child who needed a time out when she tried to ignore Barbara's question about why Sarah Palin is qualified. There was no reason to be that way and she looked stupid. The only two hardliners on that panel are Joy and Elizabeth; Whoopi tends to lean to the left but she at least tries to hear other people's opinion then make a judgement. Sherry jumps back and forth which to me proves she is in the middle and isn't going to make a decision until she has all the facts; and Barbara tries to keep things balanced. So why the he11 would Elizabeth lash out at her? On top of that she supports the republicans blindly and I don't like people like that. If your side screws up you should admit it not make excuses for it. I wouldn't mind if they fired Elizabeth or if she quit and they brought in another conservative who actually had some concrete facts to support her arguments. I wonder if they have Anne Coulter's #
Posted by GeminiRaine at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Ugly a** shoes
Why the hell are these ugly ass shoes made a comeback? I usually just call them converse; but they are actually Chuck Taylor All Stars. There are actually some quite attractive converse shoes out there........
(see below)

I see these ugly things on the feet of the adults at my school more than the converse on the kids. I also used to wear these shoes when I was younger but that was because my parents made me. Even when I was six I knew they were butt ugly. The first time I realized they were making a comeback was when I saw them on the feet of one of those twins on the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. I never watched the show again because it was obvious everyone involved had no sense because of those butt ugly shoes. But I see these things on the feet of everyone, male and female. WHY! Everytime I see them at school I want to bumrush the person wearing them, rip their shoes off and throw them in a furnace. I saw some dude loungin on the library wall with his feet up and guess what he had on? These ugly a**shoes!!!!!!!!!! One of these days I am just going to snap and blurt out; "Those are the ugliest shoes I have ever seen in my life and why the he11 are you wearing them?" Now don't get me wrong, I am not one of those conceited, arrogant, fashion experts who thinks they can get away with critiquing everything everyone wears. He11 they don't even keep
Posted by GeminiRaine at 4:43 PM 1 comments