I have had two on this list for a long time so now I am adding a third, I can't believe I forgot her because she was actually the first.

She is truly one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Her face is borderline perfect. She is so beautiful and attractive it is not even funny. And how can you not love a girl with a brain. She went to freakin HARVARD to get a degree in psychology while at the same time working. That is something to admire. I also love the fact that she is comfortable in her own body; let's be honest homegirl is flat chested and she doesn't give a damn. She knows she's still got it going on. BTW how did such a skinny petite girl get such a big booty?!?!? I think I fell in love with Natalie around the time of Where the Heart Is; she didn't become #1 on my "Women I'd Go Gay For" list until Closer.
2. Portia deRossi Talk about perfection in the physical form. Who the heck knows how her personality is although I'm sure her wife does. There is a strong possibility that I am in love with the idea of Portia rather than the symbol of Portia, because really no fan can truly be in love with the person. I think I fell in love with her when I saw the pictures of her at her wedding. She just looked so beautiful and happy how can you not love her. I hope the Hollywood scene and the media does not try to break her and Ellen up like they do with every other Hollywood couple who has uneven success...Reese and Ryan for example.
3. Katherine Moenning
Yes despite how she looks, she is really a she. And I am not one of those Johnny Come Latelys who only likes her because of Shane, or as I call her Brian with a vagina. I liked her way back when she was on Young Americans as Jake. Too bad I threw that tape away should have kept it if only to see her. Kate is the poster child for androgyny. Even after all these years I still look at her and find myself thinking, could she actually be a boy. Just a few days ago I was looking at pictures of her and she really looked like a male. There are tons of male actors who are so pretty that if you put them in a dress and makeup you wouldn't know they were guys...Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Orlando Bloom...but Katherine doesn't have to try to look male or female. She just wakes up and walks around and you can't help but wonder. Even her voice wouldn't give it away because it is equally deep and high enough to be put into the Demi Moore, Scarlette Johansson category. I think God was having the time of his life creating Kate because everything about her can be found attractive by girls and guys, she truly is a work of art in a different way than Natalie Portman is. Loved this girl since the early 2000's and I love her still. Too bad I can't stomach watching The L Word.