Good gawd I saw Chippendales perform on Wednesday of this week. Good gawd "I'm in love with a stripper"! Or maybe 4 strippers.

This is one of them, the only one that I liked whose name I could actually find. While I was there I just referred to him as the one with the tattoo on his back. Thank you Steve Kim for putting your videos on Youtube otherwise I would never have known his name.
Half the time I was there I was embarrassed because of my gender, good gawd we can no longer call men dogs because we lose all our class and inhibitions alcohol or no alcohol. I admit I went a little bit crazy but not psycho, I was just chasing the man above around the club floor as he got groped by non stop women. I was checking out his tattoo as well and kept touching it. I am such a tat addict now. Then I was purposely getting in there way when they ran off the stage so they would have to ask me to move and one of them touched me on the back so he could move me out of the way. HAHA SWEET! Lord knows who it was, I didn't bring my camera(like the idiot I am) and I left my phone in the car! I had to go CIA to find the guy in the picture, once again thank you Steve. The friend I went with liked Elvin, or she did until he copped an attitude with her. I'll have to ask if he's still feeling him. One of them also complimented by breast...all I said was thank you but what I really should have said is you can touch them if I can touch yours. Oh why did God give me intelligence but no people skills?
After Wednesday I will no longer go gay for Katherine or Portia, I'm still questioning my stance on Natalie Portman though. After seeing a bunch of naked guys running around I realized that I can be nothing but strictly dickly baby. Thank God I didn't drink anything or I would have turned into a total slut and done god knows what with some of them....
Oh also after Wednesday I have also decided that I am going to lose weight!
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