Ladies and genthe....well maybe just the ladeis because the guys might be grossed out. Introducing Usami/Usagi and Misaki:
Aren't they just too hott for words? Usami is the older and clearly taller one and Misaki is the smaller one with the dark brown hair. They are from the anime Junjo Romantica and they are AWESOME! Thank gawd for YouTube or I would never have discovered these two. Oh how I love Junjo Romantica; or I will until the writers do something stupid like break these two up forever! Then someone will get hurt. But until then, Usami is 28 a chain smoker(whoooooooo) a successful writer and he also freakin graduated from Law School. Seriously WTF way to make the rest of us 20+year olds feel like crap. He's totally hott and not only does he write novels but he also writes boylove books; how hilarious that they put a yaoi writer in a yaoi written story.
The best and funniest thing about this guy is that he is 28 and has toys and teddy bears throughout his room. Poor guy had a bad childhood and he is trying to get it back now that he is on his own and has the money to do so. Usami is originally in love with Misaki's brother Sir "Who gives a f** who I am"....ok his real name is Takahiro but I could really give a crap about this guy. He is so in love with him tha the puts him in his boylove books which pisses off Misaki who throws a hissy fit. Misaki is all like "blahblahblah..leave my innocent brother alone, get another guy any guy will do..." and Usami, who is very cranky when he wakes up, figures if any guy will do how bout you; throws Misaki on the bed and...proceeds in some...hand action. The aftermath is pretty funny to me. BTW Misaki is 18 ten years younger than Usami and Hiro.Stuff happens blablahblah who cares, Hiro ends up engaged to a girl Usami, who Misaki calls Usagi, is a little heart broken but when he sees how much Misaki reacts to Hiro being so insensitive to Usami's feelings he cries for him prompting Usami to kiss him and realize he doesn't want Takahiro he wants Misaki instead. A little freaky to go from one brother to the next so fast but I'm going to say awwwwwwwwww anyway.
These two don't officially get together until like the fourth episode but until then there is kissing, groping, and "mouth action" if you know what I mean. If you don't know you probably shouldn't be reading this anyway. Like most of these BoyxBoy stories I have seen there always has to be one in the relationship who is a little iffy about the sexual aspect of things yet that never stops them from taking part in them. In this relationship it is Misaki who has a tendency to protest when things are about to go to another level, then ends up enjoying the action on that level, then later wondering wtf he just did. There are some pretty annoying things in this anime, one of them being that in episode two Usami clearly got jealous of Misaki's relationship with a fellow classmate and essentially told Misaki he cared about him; then the next thing you know Misaki is worried that Usami is having some form of relationship with his pretty female editor. Ok seriously I know he is 18 but how can he be that dense; even if Usami's feelings weren't clear Misaki had to know which team he played on because he keeps trying to molest the boy everytime they are around each other. How many times does a guy have to put his tongue down your throat, give you "manual" and "oral" labor before you get the message that he might kinda like you!

BTW there is apparently two other couples in this story but I didn't give a crap about them and I don't know what's going on with them. You'll have to check out the series on YouTube to see what they are about.
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