Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Leave Rhianna ALONE!!!!!!!!

Ok I think most of us agree that what Chris IS ACCUSED of doing to Rhianna was horrible. And most of us girls have been taught that if he hits you once he will do it again. So Rhianna apparently has decided to take Chris back or they are just hanging out together. I personally don't think she should take him back if he truly did hit her. But most of all I realize that this is not my gawd damn life! How dare people like Lisa Bloom and that AJ idiot from Showbiz Tonight treat this situation like Rhianna owes them her soul or they own her! Nobody who is not associated with Rhianna, is not her best friend, second cousin twice removed, or has the same blood running threw their veins has any right to be outraged by how this woman lives her life! You can be disappointed all you want, but it is her life to live not yours! If people continue to look to Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens, Britney Spears and Rhianna to raise their daughters they are going to be raising a generation of idiotic, shallow, hill billy skanks with the IQ of a lemon. These girls are human beings and they deserve to live their lives just like every other human being! I'm sick of Miley Cyrus having to apologize every other month for doing something stupid; she is a teenager and a stupid one at that! None of these girls, including Rhianna should have to live their lives and sacrifice their happiness because some self centered spoiled daughter of a lawyer turned spotlight stealer:coughGloriaAllred: thinks she writes the book on female role models.
Let me make this clear, I do not think Rhianna should go back to Chris; but I sure as hell am not going to tell her how to live her life or walk around outraged because she doesn't do what I want her to do.