This has been inspired by another JB Concert experience I read about on a blog by the person who is named in the subject. Mine is not as good as hers because I was in the back not in the front. First let me state that I learned the hard way that if you ever want to buy concert tickets do not leave the house, stay your butt at home and use the internet. Those darn JB tickets sold on in 2mins, or that was what I initially was told but at around 12:50 I got my ticket so obviously some1 was lying. By the time I got someone on the phone who was willing to sell me a ticket I would be happy with being newhere as long as I was there. So my seat was at the uppermost balcony which was pretty far, but luckily I had the forethought to bring binoculars. There was a mother to the left of me and a mother to the right of me and they had little girls with them. I was hoping they thought I was about 20 and not a 24yr old dying to see a JB concet. I did want to smack the little girls to the right of me for a little while because they kept screaming down to sum1 in floor seats to look up at them. The first few times its cute, around 5 or 6 you want to throw them over the balcony. So Rooney was the opening act and they kicked major ass. The audience was very responsive to them and wasn't rude like screaming "Jonas Brothers" when Rooney was on, and we all were really feeling their music. After Rooney it was about 15mins b4 JB came out and the girls on the floor kept screaming every 5mins like something exciting was happening and that really got annoying after awhile. Seriously take your butt to the bathroom or go buy some cotton candy or something. Then its was JBs turn and I must admit that even though the stage they were on was not their normal stage the videos they showed were still pretty good even though we couldnt really see them beause they were on a little sheet. I'm not going to describe the video because either A) You've seen it at your own concert or B) you saw it on Youtube. They opened with Year 3000 and I think I am the only JB fan who really does not like that song; I'm more of a Kids of the Future girl. I was very surprised that they put on a really great show; its 2 on my list of great concerts I have been to with Nsycn at 1. JB plays really great music, had a really pretty stage, Im such a girl I like lots of colors and designs, and Joe is a really good front man. His energy level like stays at 10 for the entire concert. Like I said earlier I had binoculars and I spent about 80% of the concert following Joe around with the binoculars, 18% following Kevin and 2% checking out Nick. I'm a Jevin what can I say. Some memorable moments I can actually remember is when they were introducing themselves and Joe made fun of the audience for screaming the loudest for Nick; I sometimes wonder if Joe is a little jealous. Poor baby so has middle child syndrome. Then this one chick in the front left gave Joe a rose, like he wasnt busy and was just going to be "Hey what's up honey thanks for the rose, its not like I can't do anything with this thing because I am putting on a concert" So she kept reaching to give it to her and he finally took it and threw it to the back of the stage area so some1 could pick it up. I hope she didn't get her feelings hurt, I'm sure he liked it he just couldn't really do anything with it at the time. Have you seen this boy perform? He kinda needs both of his hands, one to hold the mic and the other one to break his fall. Joke he didnt fall at my concert, but he did loose his shoe. I'll get to that later. Nick came out and did his little talk before he started playing the piano. The only thing I remember from that speech is that he said their grandfather was here and that he was in the back of the theatre. I think he called him Papap or something weird like that. It was almost 4months ago and my brain doesn't remember. Of course everyone said Hi because Nick told them to. Kevin tried to do his SOS dance but he forgot to throw his guitar to his back so he couldn't get really into it. During SOS Joe tried to do his splits and when he jumped back up he lost his shoe. It was really funny, he just calmly put it back w/o missing a beat. I thought originally he was wearing white sneakers at these shows, but after that incident I realized that they are these really weird looking shoes that I hate and can't stand that they are making a major comeback. I hated those things when my parents made me wear them when I was a kid. During SOS I thought everyone on the balcony was going to die. There was a bunch of girls who kept jumping up and down and the entire balcony was shaking and I swear I thought the thing was going to fall! I was preparing myself for a trip to the hospital because although I thought we were in danger, you know I wasn't leaving early! Then I looked over the edge, that's where I was btw right at the edge of the balcony, and I realized that there was another balcony under us and I said "Hey ok, we're just going to get hurt. Those people down there are going to die. Sweet I can relax now"
In conclusion I was a little disappointed they didn't sing Kids of the Future and really angry that they no longer sing Inseparable at their concerts! Whose idea was it to stop performing that song?! If they sing it on the Burning Up tour I will track them down so I can personally kick them in the shins.
Best Dressed Awards: Black outfits 1) Joe although I really am not feeling that gold jacket. But when he is just wearing the black t-shirt and jeans with white shoes, I just got thoughts that I will not express here. 2) Kevin, that was a sweet outfit and seems like it took the most time to put together. Kevin is maintaining his "I like to dress up" persona. 3) Nick, he was there so I have to list him although I didnt like his outfit. White outfits 1) Kevin, It was hard to choose between Joe and Kevin with this one, but the gold stripes up Joe's jeans and his gold tie gave Kevin the edge. Kevin's black on white on black was real sweet. Plus his shirt was v-neck only Mufasa Momma's will get why that's important. 2) Joe, if he busted out with only the tank top at my concert he would have won that hands down. But I did think the white and gold was nice IF the shirt was not tucked in. 3) Nick, his outfit seemed the simplest but it still looked very nice before and after he ripped the sleeves off.