I was having a good day at work, my annoying boss said 2 words to me and then he left early. I finished things that I have been unable to complete and so far the day was going good. Went to lunch and read a little bit of "Uncle Tom's Cabin". Then when I got back this dickhead I work with tells me(doesn't ask) but tells me that he is going to be using my desk and computer and that I am going to have to go back and use my old one. Starts whining about how it is not fair that I have 2 computers. I told him that he could just as easily use another computer that was free, but he whined and said that was somebody else's computer and he wanted to use this mine. BTW my computer actually belongs to the supervisor but she doesn't come in to often. I didn't know if he was joking or not but now that I think he was serious I really wish I had taken him by his hair and threw him through a fuckin wall. I don't mind sharing with my co-workers but I do demand respect! Ask, do not tell me when you are going to be using my things! I'm reading a book on slavery, and it is almost that time of the month. Do not mess with me!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Good Girl Goes Bad
Posted by GeminiRaine at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
June 25, 2009
Almost 3wks ago the greatest entertainer who ever lived died. I couldn't believe it when I saw the words up on my TV screen on CNN. I was on the phone with my cousin and we were both trying to figure out what happened and what was going on. That day was truly one of those historic days which changes your life. I now know how people felt when JFK, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, and Elvis died. I have only had one of other day like this and that was senior year in high school, french and government class on September 11, 2001. I still have a hard time believing that Michael Jackson is freakin gone! Even though he is decades older than me I honestly never imagined a time when he wouldn't be here. Who would have thought that all 50 years ago when Michael entered the life of his family, or 40years ago when he entered the life of millions of Americans, that he would be the first one to leave? All his brothers and sisters are still alive as are his parents! And baby # 7 is the first to go. I am sad to say that I wasn't a good fan of Michael when he was alive, I was a part of that large group who thought he was great before the madness but that he was bonafide crazy. I also used to think he was guilty of child molestation but that only lasted awhile after the "I like to sleep in bed with children" fiasco. Which btw was still downright stupid Michael! The saying is right, you don't realize what you got til its gone. Michael was a gift from God and now that God decided to take it back I miss him so much.
But there is also some anger going along with this situation, anger at the doctors and anger at Michael for doing this to himself. Anger at him for leaving three helpless children alone in the world, one of whom is just 7 years old. They are essentially orphans now who thank God have been adopted by their grandmother. And I am pissed as all he11 at those damn doctors who gave drugs to Michael. As soon as I heard he was dead I knew that he was just like Elvis and had overdosed himself to death. I can't believe that after all these decades and the deaths of Elvis, Judy Garland, Anna Nicole Smith, Heath Ledger, and now Michael Jackson; that there are idiot doctors who will give these spoiled celebrities any drug they ask for! These bastards not only need to lose their license but also need to go to jail; I am truly tired of this bull sh1t. Michael's case is the worse because now we are hearing about drugs he had that are only supposed to be used in an operating room! Who the hell gave him that sh1t and thought it was ok to do so? You stupid son's of b1tches! Excuse me for thinking that doctors are supposed to be above this crap!
Michael Jackson
Posted by GeminiRaine at 4:21 PM 0 comments
My June
Well on the 8th of June I had jury duty, 17 days before that horrible event. Had to be there by 8:30 and by 9:30 I was on my way home again. I brought a backpack full of books to entertain me through this long boring ordeal I have heard about for so long and LUCKILY THANK GOD my group was sent home. About 2/3 of the people were in my group and 30mins into the thing apparently something happened which allowed us to get off scott free. Hopefully the other group got to leave soon after.
Posted by GeminiRaine at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Vampires Fact and Fiction Vol.I
I have been thinking about this for a looooooooong time and I can't begin to understand why no one else has brought this topic up when the discussion of vampires comes up. What if the creation of the modern vampire image is just the human minds way of dealing with the blood thirsty, murderers and serial killers in our midst? Everytime I watch some special on vampires on the Discovery Channel or History Channel they mention Vlad Dracula and how he was supposed to be the inspiration for Count Dracula in the book Dracula. But I have thought for awhile that the most Stoker took from Vlad was the freaky name; a lot of what the count in the book does reminds me a lot of Countess Elizabeth Bathory. She is often mentioned as an after thought when talking about vampires but I think she resembles Dracula a lot more than Vlad.Similarities1. A rich aristocrat2. Consumes the blood of the innocent to stay young3. Creepy oogey boogey helpers to keep their secret4. Lives in a huge castle in the middle of nowhere surrounded by peasants5. People go in and never come out6. The surrounding peasants/villagers are scared shitless7. The law never catches on or just decides to do nothing about it Elizabeth has much more in common with Dracula as opposed to Vlad who is and was regarded as a hero by Rumanian's. Yeah he was downright freaky to us westerners, but his crimes do not resemble the counts crimes in the books. The whole blood drinking thing is just a rumor that is starting to fall out of favor. I don't believe Vlad terrorized many peasants, on the contrary he had a thing for taking out the nobility. And Count Dracula didn't impale his victims on stakes.So my theory is that Bram was researching and came across both Vlad and Elizabeth and probably some other peeps and decided to base a character off of their crimes and personalities. He took the majority of his inspiration from Elizabeth and the gender and name from Dracula.
Posted by GeminiRaine at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Vampires Fact and Fiction II
I also have another thought, the idea of vampires has been around for centuries no doubt, every culture has some form of obsession with death and life after death. But I have often wondered why on these television shows about vampires no one ever brings up the fact that 9years before the book Dracula came out, England was being terrorized by Jack The Ripper. Is it possible that a inspiration for Stoker's Dracula character was Jack the Ripper himself? A secretive, faceless, man stalking the night and attacking women with an element of sex in between. Eroticism is apparent in Stoker's novel and Jack's victims were prostitutes. No one knows who the man is or what his aims are; he looks just like us and the general public is unable to detect him. And then blood comes into play, if Jack drank his victims blood nobody knows, but as his spree continued his crimes grew more gruesome and bloody, eventually climaxing with Mary Jane Kelly which is the bloodiest crime scene I have ever seen; this final murder, and possibly the four of five before it, have solidified a particular image of Jack the Ripper, most notably the faceless man, walking around covered by a black cape with a bloody knife. Here comes the connection with blood which vampires are famous for drinking. So while Jack can not be proven to have drank blood(he might have eaten some organs) he is still connected with the idea of a blood thirsty killer. Jack and the Count have some similarities which lead me to believe that Bram was possibly inspired by the formers crimes. But, could Bram have also been driven to create the supernatural and evil Count Dracula as a way to deal with the realistic and human crimes of Jack the Ripper? And is it possible that in modern times we are doing the same thing? That the idea of evil vampires is just some people's way of dealing with the horrible things humans all the time? People could not fail to notice that vampires have similar characteristics as John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy and other serial killers. Like Jack the Ripper they live amongst us without causing suspicion, they stalk the night, usually driven by sex as well as blood, they swoop in, do their business and swoop out like a bat leaving little clues behind. Eventually they all get caught, mostly, but hey even Dracula got caught in the end. Vampires are just pretty serial killers, a counterpart to the grossly unattractive Aileen Wuornos' and Henry Lee Lucas' amongst us.
Posted by GeminiRaine at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
I Hate You So Much Right Now
I hate men so much right now...or more specifically a specific man. This bastard guy who I haven't seen since December tells me that he is very busy this semester in school and with work. So I give him his space for 5mos, I only call him a few times so as not to seem clingly. HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND Then May comes around and I expect to hang out with him and see him in the summer, only for this asshole to tell me he is moving to another state at the end of the month. I want to kill him while at the same time cry. I want to see him and talk to him about what is going on. He tells me he will call me and set up a meeting between us so we can talk, that was 2 almost 3wks agI hate men so much right now...or more specifically a specific man. This bastard guy who I haven't seen since December tells me that he is very busy this semester in school and with work. So I give him his space for 5mos, I only call him a few times so as not to seem clingly. HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND Then May comes around and I expect to hang out with him and see him in the summer, only for this asshole to tell me he is moving to another state at the end of the month. I want to kill him while at the same time cry. I want to see him and talk to him about what is going on. He tells me he will call me and set up a meeting between us so we can talk, that was 2 almost 3wks ago!I hate him so much right now yet at the same time I can't stop thinking about him. I refuse to call him because it is always me who has to extend the olive branch and I am sick of doing it!o!I hate him so much right now yet at the same time I can't stop thinking about him. I refuse to call him because it is always me who has to extend the olive branch and I am sick of doing it!
Posted by GeminiRaine at 8:02 PM 0 comments
America Got It Wrong
I have never watched American Idol in my life until a week ago and yes it was because of Adam Lambert. Not only do I love Adam but I can't believe that anyone in their right frame of mind can honestly say that Kris Allen can singer better than him! What happened on Wednesday has shown me why our democracy will never get rid of the electoral college.
I thought American Idol was supposed to be a singing competition and Adam Lambert is the most talented singer to grace that stage since the beginning of the show; the only person who I can think comes close to him in the pipes region is Kelly Clarkson.
People have been calling Kris the underdog but was he really the underdog? I've recently discovered that all of the American Idol winners have been from southern states(if you count Arizona); Adam was born and raised in California. And while I do not want to automatically scream homophobia like some people, I do think that a select few in America would rather vote for mediocore and safe as opposed to fantastic but dangerous...and not dangerous because he is gay. 1. Adam oozes sexuality 2. He wears makeup and nail polish and has dyed hair 3. He wears weird clothes 4. When it comes to his singing he hits high notes that a lot of women can't even dream of hitting. If Adam were straight and you brought him home to meet your parents their jaws would drop and daddy would go running for the shot gun. Even without the pix of him kissing his boyfriend Adam is too different for some people to swallow.
To be fair, Adam didnt need the title of American Idol, he will have people fighting to sing him even as runner up...that is not the case with Kris who, unfortunately, even with the title will probably end up going the way of Fantasia, Taylor, and Ruben. Not only does Kris not sing as well as Adam but he also has quite a forgettable personality. He just isn't a star, he is a singer/songwritter and those are usually two different things. Just like in Hollywood, you have stars: Tom Cruise and Jennifer Lopez ,you have actors: Sean Penn, and you have actors who just so happen to be stars: Johnny Depp and Jack Nicholson.
Now about Kris Allen, Kris is a nice guy and he is talented and has a nice voice; his version of Heartless was incredible, if this were Kris v Taylor Hicks I would definitely want Kris to win. But Kris is just not on the same level as Adam and that is where the problem lies. It's like comparing Larry Byrd to Michael Jordan; one of them is good the other is fantastic.
Posted by GeminiRaine at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
American Idol
I have never watched one episode of American Idol, first because I have no interest in the show nor in televised karaoke or people embarrassing themselves. I can't even watch figure skating for fear someone is going to fall on their ass and embarrass themselves. Then it changed to me not watching American Idol on principle because I never understood what the heck America was smoking to never let that show get cancelled. I mean how many winners have there been? And how many people can name five of them? American Idol is like America's Next Top Model, you are known for awhile then people forget about you eventually. Anyway, I do listen to Kidd Kraddick in the Morning Podcast and on the 22 of April they were talking about American Idol and they played clips of the people's performances. And now because of that I am addicted to damn Adam Lambert. This guy is on the verge of making me call or text or whatever you are supposed to do to vote for them. And it isn't about his apparent good looks or sex appeal seeing as how I heard him sing "If I Can't Have You" before I saw what he looked like. His version of "Mad World" is fuckin unbelievable. He is the best Idol contestant since Kelly Clarkson. I feel so bad that he did not get a record deal before this so he wouldn't have to deal with the stigma of being on this show, but now that he is on it, he better damn win!
Posted by GeminiRaine at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
When the hell will it be the last straw!!!
I need to get the hell out of my parents house. I am freakin 25years old and there are people around me who went to school with me who are married with two kids, having babies out of wedlock and living half way around the world, going to war in Iraq; yet my ass is still in my parents house. Not only that but I let these people still dictate and tell me what to do! I am sick of this shit! What the he11 is wrong with me! My parents think they can tell me, when to come home, what to wear, not to get anymore tattoos, what parties I can and can't go to! I want to move out but my mom insists I shouldn't leave until I have enough money saved up and seeing as how I just graduated from college I have no money. Hopefully this teaching in China thing will work out and I can get the he11 away. If they do accept me, I'm buying a passport and getting the hell out. Nothing about it, Im sick of this crap and it is never going to change unless I cut, burn, salt, and bury the cord!
It's like these people do not understand what the he11 it means to be 25! Then I'm the b1tch for wanting to b1tch slap one of them! "If you live in my house you must go to church, you will not have anymore tattoos, you will be home when I say blahblahblah....." Oh gawd somebody hire me before I'm 30 and still trapped in this house!
Posted by GeminiRaine at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Crazy Ass Dreams
My dreams haven't made sense since I was in Middle school but last nights dreams just were downright hilarious. First dream, I was some black chick(am I the only one who is never herself in dreams) escaping from a prison/hospital. Yes it was some weird dual building that was a prison and a hospital...now that I think about it I think there was a shopping center somewhere around there as well. Anyway, I got caught once trying to escape and then later that same day I did escape. Ended up at my old house in south central L.A. where 4 of my kids live and stayed there for awhile. Got some sleep, some money, some clothes, a car and left just in the nick of time before the police showed up. Someone I drove, walked, and swam all the way to Mexico, yep I did all three. I'm guessing years passed because I eventually died and ended up in hip hop heaven where everybody knows my name. I was hanging out with Salt and Peppa, Tupac, and some 90's R*B groups I used to like when I was a kid....
Then my mind went blank for a few hours and another dream started; this one had me walking home from school which is weird seeing as how my University is like all the way on the other side of the city. Anyway myself and a couple of other peeps passed a little white cat being attacked and eaten by a white bobcat. WTF you ask? Well so do I. Of course I was pissed and wanted to kill the evil bobcat for eating its little cat cousin but I was totally girling out and just crying. So some teenage boy picked up a few rocks and threw it at crazy bobcat cannibal and kept hitting it in the head until it let go. I was so happy that I would have given him dream sex if I wasn't so concerned with the cat. I wrapped it up in a white blanket, how did I get a blanket? Hell if I know, then I walked my way to the animal hospital next to the Dairy Queen and who do I run into? My mom walking our two dogs, which is weird seeing as how we only have one dog; btw the dogs were white as well. We made it to the hospital and by the time I walked through the door, the cat that had previously been mauled and cut up by a bobcat just had a small cut on its front leg....HaHa am I crazy or what? And what's up with all the white, I hate white.
Posted by GeminiRaine at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Scared sh1tless
I graduated from university late in December with a B.A. in history. Now I have to tiptoe my way into the world of jobs and careers and I am scared shitless. As of right now I am freaking out about the prospect of job interviewing. I am not fast on my feet and it is hard for me to think of smart witty things to say. People tell me to practice it before hand and I plan to get started soon but I always find myself continuously putting it off. Plus two peeps I know said I need to self-analyze myself! Oh great just what I need! I'm 25years old and I don't know what I am good at or what I enjoy. How the hell am I supposed to get started on this self-analysis crap?
Oh and another thing, I want to get my Master's in International Relations but I am terrified at the mere thought of the GRE! I had a 3.95GPA at University, it would have been a 4.0 if it wasn't for that damn East Asian class and that dumb ass teacher. And believe me when I say it was his fault not mine, you want me to elaborate then write me and I will. But despite my GPA I am terrible at those standardized tests. I did horribly on the SATs, and I thought my hell of having to take tests like that were over. But noooooooooooooo, now I have to worry about this GRE crap! Screw you bastards! Just take my thousands of dollars and give me my Master's education. Oh is there anyone else going through this hell of not knowing what to do with their life?
Posted by GeminiRaine at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Kristin vs Erica, Lois vs Lana
I have been watching Smallville religiously for about a year. I have seen all the episodes thanx to dvds. And lately I have constantly been comparing Lois(Erica) to Lana(Kristin). First, we all know Clark is going to end up with Lois so that's not up for discussion; but I just can't help but feel that Lois doesn't compare to Lana on the physical beauty scale, attire, mannerisms, and voice department. Yeah everyone says Erica/Lois is hotter because she actually has a woman's body but apart from that, Kristin just has the better face. Since Erica has finally been allowed to dye her hair back to its natural dark color she has definitely become more beautiful. I am in no way saying that Erica is ugly, I just think when compared to Kristin she doesn't come close. Maybe it has to do with Kristin being half Chinese and that gives her an exotic look. Of course the Lois character kills the Lana character when it comes to personality because Lois actually has one, but this blog is solely on the physical shallow end of the spectrum. I just can't help but wish Lois looked like Natalie Dormer, Holly Valance, Serinda Swan, Gwen Stefani...and had the style of Victoria Beckham, Gwen, or those girls in "The Devil Wears Prada". And let's not even get started on Erica's voice while she is playing Lois. Sometimes the only word I can use to describe it is squaking.
Lois in other forms of media hasn't been much better, Kate Bosworth not only played the worse Lois Lane in history but she didn't even look good doing it. She dressed like a school marm and had the worst hair ever. I swear she was going through her anorexic phase because she was as skinny as a bean pole.
Margot Kidder played opposite one of the most beautiful Superman's ever and she was so plain bordering on ugly, especially in Superman II where she looked like she could be Clark's mother. I know Lois is supposed to be dedicated to her work, but would it kill them to give the girl some style?
What "my" Smallville Lois looks like
-Leighton Meester
-Scarlett Johansson
-Natalie Dormer
-Gwen Stefani
-Holly Valance
-Katherine Heigl
Movies/TV Show/Older Lois Lane
-Kate Winslet
-Rachel Weisz
-Natalie Dormer
-Gwen Stefani
-Holly Valance
-Natalie Dormer
-Genevieve Bujold
-Charisma Carpenter
-Alyssa Milano
Posted by GeminiRaine at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Now I lay Me Down To Sleep
Randomness much....But last night I had a dream that I was being chased by a Yellow Jacket(the grandaddy of bees). I ran into a room and tried to shut the door on it, but it kept pushing the door open again with its nose. Yes for some reason it had a nose. Yeah its random but I decided to share it with you guys anyway.
Posted by GeminiRaine at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Excuse me Mrs. Simpson
Dear Mrs. Ashley Simpson,
I am here to inform you of your civic and moral duty to inform the general public who the name of your plastic surgeon is! That has got to be one of the best nose jobs I have ever seen in my life. After years of Michael Jackson's, Ashley Tisdale's, and Jennifer Grey's this is the first nose job I have ever seen that not only looks better than the original, but looks like natural to boot! As some commentator once said, "it looks like the nose she should have been born with". Dang girl how can you keep that man or woman's name to yourself. They look like they are good enough to fix Courtney Love, Melanie Griffith, Mickey Rooney, he can't help Michael Jackson. He's a surgeon not a god. To wrap this up, girl since I first saw that new nose I couldn't help but think how fantastic you look. It doesn't give you an air if fakeness like Pamela or Carmen's boobs, nor an "who the hell are you feel" like Jennifer's nose. You were fine and pretty before but now you look fantastic. I have always known, but never understood how a nose could change a face so drastically. You were pretty before, you are beautiful now.
Posted by GeminiRaine at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Leave Rhianna ALONE!!!!!!!!
Ok I think most of us agree that what Chris IS ACCUSED of doing to Rhianna was horrible. And most of us girls have been taught that if he hits you once he will do it again. So Rhianna apparently has decided to take Chris back or they are just hanging out together. I personally don't think she should take him back if he truly did hit her. But most of all I realize that this is not my gawd damn life! How dare people like Lisa Bloom and that AJ idiot from Showbiz Tonight treat this situation like Rhianna owes them her soul or they own her! Nobody who is not associated with Rhianna, is not her best friend, second cousin twice removed, or has the same blood running threw their veins has any right to be outraged by how this woman lives her life! You can be disappointed all you want, but it is her life to live not yours! If people continue to look to Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens, Britney Spears and Rhianna to raise their daughters they are going to be raising a generation of idiotic, shallow, hill billy skanks with the IQ of a lemon. These girls are human beings and they deserve to live their lives just like every other human being! I'm sick of Miley Cyrus having to apologize every other month for doing something stupid; she is a teenager and a stupid one at that! None of these girls, including Rhianna should have to live their lives and sacrifice their happiness because some self centered spoiled daughter of a lawyer turned spotlight stealer:coughGloriaAllred: thinks she writes the book on female role models.
Let me make this clear, I do not think Rhianna should go back to Chris; but I sure as hell am not going to tell her how to live her life or walk around outraged because she doesn't do what I want her to do.
Posted by GeminiRaine at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Violence in Juarez? I've hardly noticed
I live right next to the Mexican border and I am disappointed in myself because I have hardly noticed the violence that is going on right next door. Off and on for years I have heard about the bodies of dead women they have found in the deserts; but I never paid much attention to it. I have also heard snippets of the violence that is occurring right now involving the drug cartels. But for some reason it never registered with me how horrible things were and how as a human being and as someone who lives so close to these events, I should probably give a crap more than I should! I would probably have cared and known more about this situation if I paid any attention to my local news stations, but I really hate them and most of the time the issues they discuss I could care less about. I always focus on the national news CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and they hardly give any airtime to the issue. I have a friend who was so afraid that she refused to move back with her parents to Juarez and decided to stay with friends in the US. It must be bad when a 20+ college student who like me is greatly attached to their parents decides to no longer live with them. I can only imagine how fearful she is about what danger they are in. I've received little snippets about what is going on over there:
That the problems are also occurring in Chihuahua
Political leaders have been killed
The Mexican army is going to be deployed
The US army is going to be deployed
That the US has given a firm warning that if the violence spreads across the border they will take military action.
That vigilantes gave their political leaders a deadline to get the situation under control or else they will take matters into their own hands.
I definitely need to get more information about what is going on over there and I am ashamed of myself for having the mentality that if it doesn't affect me I don't care. This situation as well as the mass graves of Mexican women has provided another element to the illegal immigration debate for me. What exactly can Americans do about this situation? You hear about celebrities like George Clooney and Bono running around talking about Darfur and Aids in Africa and their goal is to essentially give airtime to the situation. Should the same thing be done for what is going on in Mexico? Should the American government even get involved or mind it's own business? Does the Mexican government and their citizens even trust that if the US gets involved that they will not do what they have done throughout history and never leave them alone, step all over the country just so the US can prosper? Should we just mind our own business and pray and let the Mexican government deal with their problems?
I definitely need and want more info on this situation. Can anyone say google.
Posted by GeminiRaine at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Best Supporting Actor?
Alright, I am just going to go right out and say this. Would Heath Ledger have won the Oscar if he wasn't dead? I'm not saying his performance in The Dark Knight wasn't good but I am not convinced it wa Oscar worthy. I admit I never got the big hoopla about TDK and why everyone was so in love with it. Heath's Joker was very good I just question if the fact that he is dead played a part in the voting?
Posted by GeminiRaine at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Oscar Fashion

It is a breathtaking color that switches between white, silver, champagne...The patterns are something I have never seen before. At first it is off putting but that they are different is what makes them beautiful. I adore the one shoulder as well as the flowing train.

Kate Winslet:
Another beautiful silver dress although this one is tinged with gray. And once again there is another one shoulder gown. This gown would simply be beautiful if it were not for the black lace on the left side that is designed with flowers; that is what makes it stunning.
She glows! There are few dresses that could be worn to a wedding, to the prom, as a bride, and to the Oscars. Anne found one and she looks fantastic.
Zac Efron:
One of the few times where he looks fantastic. The men who go to these awards have so few choices in what they can wear. A nice suit or a tux; Zac looks great in his tux. He looks sophisticated while still looking young. He put some of the older guys too shame.

Brad Pitt:
This is a shinier version of a suit that is similar to Zac and Hugh's. If it wasn't for that gawd awful mustache he would look great.

Jennifer Aniston:
I wonder if anyone is going to count how many women had no sleeves on their gowns. Well what can I say I love the look. This dress with white mixed with silver sparkles is beautiful on Jennifer. The one thing I can't stand is her hair. I don't know what she always has to wear her hair down, but that poorly put together braid across the top is not helping matters. She should have worn her hair up with a tiny jewel around her neck. Despite the hair, she still looks great. And once again I love the patterns and design of the dress.

Reese Witherspoon:
Blue and black are my favorite colors, so this dress is already a winner to me based simply on that. But the various ways the colors, designs, and patterns intermingle in the dress is also what makes me like it. They all seem to bleed in and out of each other harmoniously. And the train and how the colors look in it just made my jaw drop. This is a dress that is taking a risk and I beleive the risk worked, but it is an acquired taste. I will also give her credit for putting a new twist on the style of the evening, strapless.
I'm not good with colors so I don't know exactly what color this is, some sort of off white mixture. I love the simplicity mixed with the extravagent designs. The color compliments her complexion and it all worked for her.
Queen Latifah:

Angelina Jolie
This gown was forgettable and I would have put Angelina on my, I never knew she was there list if it were not for the fit of the gown. It looks awful on her, it does nothing for her shape on the contrary it makes her look like she doesn't have a shape. I expect more from Angelina which is why she is going on my list.

Whoopi Goldberg
Oh please do I even have to explain? Gawd I understand she goes by the name Whoopi so its obvious it's all a joke to her, but I was not only disgusted but almost insulted and hell if I know why. Maybe because I'm black, maybe because I'm a woman, I don't know.

Bridget Fonda:
Did she get this piece of crap from JC Penny!??! Now I shop at JC Penny, but this woman has the money and means to try harder. It looks like she just rolled out of bed, was making herself some popcorn then all of a sudden decided to go the Oscars. The color, fit, pattern, texture, everything about this can only be described as one word....Ugly!
Posted by GeminiRaine at 6:12 PM 0 comments